My Favorite Things… Yuka!

December 23, 2024

woman in store scanning products with her phone

Ah, the holidays! That magical time of year when the world lights up with traditions: lighting the Menorah, decorating Christmas cookies, shooting off fireworks for Diwali, or singing and dancing for Kwanzaa, or—if you live in our house—participating in the annual Favorite Things party. Imagine Oprah’s Favorite Things, but on a budget and without a television crew.

This beloved tradition works like this: everyone brings two identical gifts, wrapped in their holiday best. These gifts aren’t just any gifts, they are your favorite things of the year! Your gift could be a fantastic bottle of wine, an addictive new game, or that beautifully scented candle. Names are drawn from a hat and two lucky people will go home with your favorite thing, and you’ll leave with two new surprises that could become your next obsession—or at least something you proudly regift next year.

So, what would I wrap up and share this year? Without a doubt, my favorite find is the Yuka App. I discovered this life-changing little gem courtesy of my hair stylist (thank you Camille!), and I haven’t stopped evangelizing about it ever since. Yuka has revolutionized how I shop for food and body products. Here’s how it works: You simply scan the barcode of a body product or packaged food, and it dishes out the details on its ingredients, along with a grade of just how healthy—or, let’s be honest, terrifying—those ingredients are. If the product doesn’t pass the test, Yuka even suggests better alternatives. It’s like having a personal health detective in your pocket.

I’ve become the person who scans everything. I use it every time I am on the search for a body product. In fact, I have now seen others doing the same thing. In Sephora, Ulta, or a grocery or drug store, I have my phone out at the ready. I have even spotted fellow Yuka disciples scanning away with that familiar look of determination. The app is catching on, and it’s a joy to witness. In fact, I’ve noticed that whenever I mention Yuka at friends’ houses, it’s usually a sprint to the bathroom as they excitedly bring out their stash of products for me to scan. It is very inspiring to see people genuinely thrilled about making healthier choices. It’s surprisingly fun and, honestly, pretty empowering. After all, if choosing healthier products were easy and affordable, wouldn’t we all do it?

Yuka makes it easy, at least, and even recommends healthier alternatives. But as I scanned and scanned (like a responsible, health-conscious adult), I thought: wouldn’t it be even better if there was a way to know which healthier alternative actually works best? So here I am, starting this blog to put products to the test.

The Yuka app’s basic version is totally free and what I still use, but if you are looking to really dig in, you can unlock the upgraded version for just $15 a year. The premium features let you search for products without needing a barcode (perfect for online shopping), scan items offline, and even set preferences like vegetarian options. It’s practical, eye-opening, and a small investment in your health. Give this to your friends and family, and to yourself. If you are taking the time to read this blog then I know you will love it as much as I do, so Happy Holidays and Happy Scanning!